Frequently asked questions

TEMOS requires a PC with Windows 7 (64 bit) or later.

TEMOS for Windows 32 bit, Linux or Apple are avaialble on special request.

Currently these instruments are supported:

- NI (National instruments) DAQmx devices


- DEWESoft


- Sound card

- Usage without classic ADC hardware

Further ADC hardware can be supported with custom made Apps.

All Apps can be transferd to all web-enabled devices, including but not limited to PCs, tables, mobile phones or TV screens. However, controlling the Apps is current not supported.


TEMOS is usually bought. There are no recurring license fees. Updates within 12 months of the date of purchase are free. Later updates are subject to a charge.

Furthermore, the following optional contracts are offered on an annual basis:

- Maintenance contract

- Service and support agreement

TEMOS is delivered as executable software. All necessary components, drivers and libraries are included. A Labview license is not necessary to run TEMOS. If the customer is to develop their own apps, a Labview development license is required (2022 or newer).

For this purpose, AKITRON offers template apps as Labview source code (Vis), which already contain the common basic functions (loading and saving setups, printing, automation, etc.) as well as the transfer of measurement data. These templates can be expanded as desired. After saving, they must be placed in the correct location, after which TEMOS can run them like all other apps. Compiling is not necessary. If changes are made, all you have to do is update and save the source code and restart the app.

Yes, you can download TEMOS for free. No registration is required. There is no dedicated or limited demo version of TEMOS.

TEMOS and all Apps then can be used for 30 days. After than, TEMOS requires a license key. 

Download here.