Duty to provide information in accordance with Section 5 of the E-Commerce Act, Section 14 of the German Business Code, Section 63 of the Commercial Code and disclosure requirements under Section 25 of the Media Act.
Am Schlossberg 348,
8224 Kaindorf,
Purpose of the company: IT Dienstleistungen
UID-Number: ATU75040135
Company register Number: 526064 z
Company register court: LG ZRS Graz
Company headquarter: 8224 Kaindorf
Tel.: +43 670 4059259
E-Mail: office(at)akitron(dot)at
Member at: Austrian chamber of commerce (WKO), Group UBIT
Professional law: www.ris.bka.gv.at
Supervisory authority / trade authority: District administration Hartberg Fürstenfeld
Job title: IT service provider
Awarding State: Austria
Certain tradenames and terms are trademarked, and AKITRON makes every effort to ensure that the correct symbol is shown beside any registered tradename. Trademarked names in use on this website include, but may not be limited to the following:
Microsoft, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Windows 10 are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation
MATLAB is a trademark of The MathWorks, Inc.
LabVIEW is a trademarks of National Instruments Corporation
All trademarks are acknowledged to be the properties of their owners, and no infringement is intended. Please contact the webmaster to recommend changes, corrections, or updates.
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